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Inspiring Hadith Stories Of The Prophets About Key Human Values


Derived from an Arabic word, Hadith means to tell or report or speak of something. In Islam, the second most important text after the Quran is the Hadith. Based on the sayings of the Prophet, there are many inspiring hadith stories of the Prophets that drive major laws and traditions. They also set an example as to how true Muslims should lead their lives and become better human beings.

Motivational Hadith Stories of the Prophets

There are many stories from Quran and Hadith of the prophets highlighting anecdotes that are relevant for Muslims in their everyday life. They help in becoming a better person and thus improving the quality of life. Here are a few of them:

1. Hadith Stories about Intellectual Humility

In a battle to protect Madinah from an attack, the Prophet was inclined towards staying in the city and starting a revolting attack on the enemies when they arrived. However, when he considered the viewpoints of his companions, they suggested a different strategy, which included him leaving the city before the attack.

In yet another war, the Prophet sought help from a Persian, who was initially a slave, to design war strategies similar to Persia. It was for the battle of Khandaq, and the two episodes amplify the ability of the Prophet to maintain intellectual humility.

The two stories tell us that no matter how right we think we are or how much knowledge we possess, there is always something new to learn from our surroundings and peers. It must always be one’s concern to increase knowledge.

2. Hadith Stories about Patience

The next in our hadith stories of the prophets is about Prophet Ayub, who was a resilient and patient man, was blessed with wealth and bounties of life. He was respected in society and was a righteous servant of Allah. He got afflicted with an illness that brought great suffering for him and his family. He lost many members of his family to the illness except for his wife.

Even in times of pain, he never complained or cursed his fate. He prayed to Allah and praised Him. The Prophet then continued serving Him with only his heart and tongue in the functioning position. Finally, his call was answered, and his wealth, children and health were restored.

This Hadith story teaches one to face life challenges with patience. The hardships show the realities of life, and at this point, one must always seek spiritual guidance. It also teaches that people often forget spirituality in good times, but gratitude must always be there for the almighty.

3. Hadith Stories about Greatest Sacrifice

Islam believes in one and only one God – Allah. When people in Prophet Ibrahim’s town did not take his word as a messenger and continued praying to idols made of stone and wood, he took upon himself the responsibility to teach people.

Once, the King took his people to celebrate an annual festival. Prophet Ibrahim saw this as an opportunity and destroyed all the idols except for the biggest one. Upon learning the truth, the town punished him and threw him in the fire. The Prophet called upon Allah and recited a du’aa. To the surprise of people, the fire went down, and Ibrahim was not hurt even a bit.

The story teaches us that it takes great sacrifice for one to succeed, and in that time, one must not lose one’s patience. Perseverance and devotion are all that one has during tough times. One who fights the challenges and hardships, Allah shows his mercy on them.

4. Hadith Stories about Being Steadfast

Prophet Yunus was one of the few who were sent to town to preach about Allah. He was sent to Nineveh, a beautiful town with people committing sin and praying to the idols. The city rejected him as a messenger from Allah. Disheartened, he left the city without seeking permission from Allah and boarded a ship to get far away from the place.

Amid his journey, he was faced with a wild storm that soon started sinking the ship. After trying hard, he left the ship, and soon, a whale came that engulfed Yunus. In times of failure and darkness, he called upon Allah for His mercy. The whale came to the surface and discarded Yunus, who later had a tree grown on his head to provide him with shade until he had a successful recovery from his ordeal. After he was well, he walked to Nineveh and realised that people were safe in the city as they called upon Allah.

Prophet Yunus realised that all happens with the will of the almighty. His story teaches one to be hopeful in the darkest times and keep moving forward slowly. There is always a way out of a grim situation even when one cannot see it.

5. Hadith Stories about Seeking Knowledge

According to this Hadith story, Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation in the Hira Cave. An angel named Jibril came and asked him to ‘Iqra, which loosely translates to reading. The Prophet was surprised and replied to the angel that he was illiterate. Therefore, he could not read.

The angel asked him two more times and received the same answer. Jibril asked the Prophet to read in the name of the almighty who created him and other humans from a small substance. The angel asked him to read the signs placed on this world by God.

The stories teach that our experiences are the best teachers. Each comes with different learning and leaves behind some wisdom. Every human must be ready to learn something each day and not become ignorant and arrogant with little knowledge that one possesses.

6. Hadith Stories about Being Grateful

Every human has read the story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit eaten by them. There is one Hadith story that speaks about the story of Adam sneezing. When Allah put life and soul into his body, he sneezed and said ‘Alhamdulillah’, which translates to praise belongs to Allah. In response, the almighty answered with ‘Yarhamuk-Allah’, which means that He bestows mercy on him.

The story tells us that trials and hardships are inevitable in life, and at all times, one must always praise Allah. Humans must not forget His blessings and always stay thankful towards Him. It is only His favours that help people to fight challenges.

Whether from Quran or hadith stories of the Prophets,  teach us to be faithful towards Allah and not question Him in any circumstances. They teach us that everything in this world happens because of Him and as long as people trust Him, they will come out of their misery and receive His blessings. Stories from Quran and hadith can really guide a person to prosperity, peace, and spirituality. If you are seeking these blessings of life, try reading more about Allah, the prophets, and the inspiring tales of their lives.

Must Read: 6 Hadiths Of The Prophet For Muslims To Follow In Daily Life

Stories from Hadith of the Prophets FAQs

What is Hadith?

Derived from an Arabic word, Hadith means to tell or report or speak of something. In Islam, the second most important text after the Quran is the Hadith.

Where did Prophet Muhammad recieve his first revealation?

Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation in the Hira Cave.

Where was Prophet Yunus sent?

He was sent to Nineveh, a beautiful town with people committing sin and praying to the idols.

What did Prophet Ayub do in illness?

Even in times of pain, he never complained or cursed his fate. He prayed to Allah and praised Him. The Prophet then continued serving Him with only his heart and tongue in the functioning position. Finally, his call was answered, and his wealth, children and health were restored.

What do the stories of the Prophet teach?

These hadith stories of the Prophet (PBUH) teach us to be faithful towards Allah and not question Him in any circumstances. They teach us that everything in this world happens because of Him and as long as people trust Him, they will come out of their misery and receive His blessings.

Dr Omar Ayoub

Dr. Omar Ayoub is a tech enthusiast and a part time researcher and accounts authorship of several international publications. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from USA and has an experience of more than 10 years in Saudi Arabia working in tourism, hospitality, education, technology and retail sector. His interests include traveling, writing, and exploring trending technologies.

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