The Kaaba is a sacred building situated at the centre of the most prominent mosque in Islam, Masjid al-Haram (Mecca, Saudi Arabia). Renowned for being …

The Kaaba is a sacred building situated at the centre of the most prominent mosque in Islam, Masjid al-Haram (Mecca, Saudi Arabia). Renowned for being …
Primarily there are two types of Umrah pilgrimage, one that must be followed by Hajj & the other that is independent of Hajj. In this …
Known for being one of the most significant pilgrimages amongst Muslims, Umrah has many rules and restrictions. There is a specified set of certain Islamic …
The capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh is home to nearly 2 billion Muslims, who celebrate Ramadan in its whole spirit. Riyadh in Ramadan is consumed …
Riyadh, the capital city of Saudi Arabia, has transformed from a tiny tribal settlement into one of the Middle East’s wealthiest and busiest cities over …
As one of the most sacred and important times of the year for Muslims, Ramadan in Jeddah witnesses joyous street scenes and a plethora of festive events …
Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is considered a sacred month and is dedicated to fasting and praying. It marks the event when …
Masjid e Aisha, also known as Masjid e Taneem or Taneem Mosque is a renowned destination for pilgrims performing the rituals of Umrah and Hajj. …
The month of Muharram is a period of fasting, prayers, and refrain (from any joyous event). Muslims usually get together on this day to mourn …
The month of Rajab is considered one of the holy months in Islam. Many Muslims consider performing Umrah in Rajab. Here are some interesting facts …