Makkah and Madinah are the holy cities in Saudi Arabia, where pilgrims gather in millions every year to worship and pray to Allah. However, these …

Makkah and Madinah are the holy cities in Saudi Arabia, where pilgrims gather in millions every year to worship and pray to Allah. However, these …
Hijr Ismail is the name of a low wall, also known as Al Hateem, which is a part of the Kaaba in Makkah. It is …
Makkah and Madinah are two of the three holiest cities in Islam. Pilgrims plan to visit the cities for Umrah and Hajj. After completing the …
Situated in the southeast part of the Prophet’s Mosque, Jannatul Baqi is the first cemetery in the city of Madinah. It is also called Baqi …
Known to be one of the most important battles in Islamic history, the Battle of Badr marked a major turning point for Muslims. Led by …
What is Wadi-e Jinn? It is a valley just 30 km away from Madinah. In the northwest direction to the city, the place holds a …
The 3 holy mosques tour is a tour to the three holiest mosques of the world, which are – Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah, Masjid Al-Nabawi …
The soul-fulfilling journey of Umrah attracts millions of Muslims to Makkah each year. Here, the pilgrims strive to attain the blessings of the benevolent Allah …
Maqam-e-Ibrahim which means ‘the place where Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) stood’ is a place just in front of Kabbah located in the Mataf (the circular area …
Counted amongst the highly regarded acts of worship in Islam, Umrah is a visit to the holy Kaaba – the house of God to seek …