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How To Wish Someone Going For Umrah? 19 Beautiful Things To Say And Do


If you are not sure about how to wish someone going for Umrah, here’s a list of key duas that you can say for them, and ask them to say for you while they are in the house of Allah.

The Umrah pilgrimage is a blessed invitation by Allah Himself and an honor for every Muslim man and woman. The journey comprises a set of rituals that aid physical, mental and emotional cleansing. It is performed with the sole intention of seeking forgiveness for past sins and Ibadah, and is very much respected and valued all over the world.

If someone is going for Umrah, they usually seek time with their family, neighbours, friends, mentors and teachers. It is suggested that well-wishers must see them before they leave in order to wish them luck and blessings, offer salah, embrace them with the intention of forgetting and forgiving old grudges. If you cannot visit them, it is recommended to make dua for them. It is also an opportunity to offer help to and earn the reward for yourself since no good deed goes waste in the sight of Allah.

What to do if someone is going for Umrah?

1. Offer assistance: There are several things to take care of before one departs for their Umrah journey. It could be managing kids while they are gone, helping out with essential chores, monetary help or any other kind of assistance. It is recommended to ask those going for Umrah about how you can help to make their journey smoother.

As mentioned in Surah al Rehman (the 55th Chapter of the Qur’an with 78 verses) 55:60, “What is the recompense of goodness, but goodness?”

Suggested Read: 20 Facts About Umrah, Its History, Rules, Rituals, And Prohibitions


2. Help them to make a list of prayers: Everyone needs a list of duas and prayers for their Umrah journey. As a well-wisher, you may help them put together prayers for different stages of the journey. Urge them to make dua for all their loved ones.

3. Ask them to pray for you: According to Sunnah, it is recommended to ask your family and friends to pray for you. While going on a Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, a person is off on a spiritual journey to Allah, so ask them to pray for you as prayers are answered while in travel to and at the Kaaba.

In the chapters of Hajj rituals of Sunan Ibn Ma’ja, Abu Hurayrah narrated that Allah’s Apostle PBUH said “From one Umrah to another is expiation for sins that came in between them. And Hajj Mabrur brings no less reward than Paradise”. Further, one can offer Umrah Mubarak wishes to someone going to perform Umrah in the near future.

Umrah dua for safe journey

بِسْـمِ اللهِ وَالْحَمْـدُ لله، سُـبْحانَ الّذي سَخَّـرَ لَنا هذا وَما كُنّا لَهُ مُقْـرِنين، وَإِنّا إِلى رَبِّنا لَمُنـقَلِبون، الحَمْـدُ لله، الحَمْـدُ لله، الحَمْـدُ لله، اللهُ أكْـبَر، اللهُ أكْـبَر، اللهُ أكْـبَر، سُـبْحانَكَ اللّهُـمَّ إِنّي ظَلَـمْتُ نَفْسي فَاغْـفِرْ لي، فَإِنَّهُ لا يَغْفِـرُ الذُّنوبَ إِلاّ أَنْـت

“With the Name of Allah. Praise is to Allah. Glory is to Him Who has provided this for us though we could never have had it by our efforts. Surely, unto our Lord, we are returning. Praise is to Allah. Praise is to Allah. Praise is to Allah. Allah is the Most Great. Allah is the Most Great. Allah is the Most Great. Glory is to You. O Allah, I have wronged my own soul. Forgive me, for surely none forgives sins but You”.

How to wish someone going for Umrah in English?

Begin your wish by saying “May Allah (SWT) grant you a safe and blessed journey.” Continue with a prayer for their spiritual growth and enlightenment during their Umrah experience. And finally conclude with words of encouragement and support, reminding them of your love and well-wishes for them.

Wishes for umrah

Here is a few Umrah wishes for those going for Umrah and how to wish umrah Mubarak.

1. “May Allah’s blessings light your way, strengthen your faith and bring joy to your heart as you praise and serve Him today, tomorrow, and always.”


2. “May Allah accept your Dua and may He be pleased with you. May you be filled with joy and happiness!”


3. “May Allah make all your dreams and wishes come true.”


4. “You are blessed to be celebrating today. I wish to send you my warmest heart-filled greetings and wish you and your family the best that this day can offer.”


5. “May God take you and bring you back safely.”


6. “Spend as much time on prayer, self-reflection and seeking forgiveness; minimise the time spent on shopping and frivolous socialising.”


7. “May Allah today grant all your wishes. May he flood your life with happiness and joy with this Umrah… Wishing you a happy Umrah”

8. “Umrah is a beautiful chapter in everyone’s life. May you receive full benefits and be filled with serenity, love, and divine presenece of Allah.”

9. “May Allah’s blessings light your way and His love grace your heart during your pilgrimage to Umrah.”

10. “May your Umrah guide to the path of Allah and lead a contented life ahead.”

11. “Wishing you a transformative and spiritually enriching journey to Umrah. May your heart find peace, and may your soul draw closer to Allah.”

12. “May Allah bless your journey to Umrah with His divine presence and grant you a safe return. May your prayers be accepted and your sins forgiven,”


How to wish someone a safe journey to Umrah wishes?

13. “May Allah watches over you throughout your journey. Umrah Mubarak.”

14. “Wishing you a blessed and successful Umrah!”

15. “Have a blessed and safe Umrah journey Sending you prayers and thoughts. May Allah give you the strength and courage to embrace a new life free of sin.”

16. “May Allah’s angel accompany you and protect you on your Umrah journey.”

17. “May Allah be your guide and protect you from perils on your pilgrimage to the holy city of Makkah.”

Umrah Wishes for Brother

18. “May Allah’s blessings accompany you on your Umrah journey, and may your pilgrimage be filled with peace, spirituality, and divine grace.”

Umrah Wishes for Parents

19. “May Allah accept your Umrah and shower His blessings upon you. May this spiritual journey bring you immense joy, peace, and closeness to Allah.”

One must wish for a safe journey and an amazing trip for those going for Umrah. These beautiful messages will make their day and keep them in good spirits. One should congratulate Muslim brothers and sisters on going for Umrah and always ask Allah to invite them there as well.

Suggested Read: Pillars Of Hajj And Umrah

Wishing Someone Going For Umrah FAQs

What is the intention behind performing Umrah?

It is performed with the sole intention of seeking forgiveness for past sins and Ibadah, and is very much respected and valued all over the world.

How to offer assistance to those who are going to Umrah?

It could be managing kids while they are gone, helping out with essential chores, monetary help or any other kind of assistance. It is recommended to ask those going for Umrah about how you can help to make their journey smoother.

How to wish someone going for Umrah?

Here are a few Umrah Mubarak wishes: May Allah blessings light your way, strengthen your faith and bring joy to your heart as you praise and serve Him today, tomorrow and always. May Allah accept your Dua and may He be pleased with you. May you be filled with joy and happiness. May Allah make all your dreams and wishes come true

Is Umrah mandatory for Muslims?

No, Umrah is not compulsory but is highly recommended.

How much time does it take to perform Umrah?

All of the Umrah rituals can be done between 3 and 6 hours.

What is a good dua (Prayer) for someone going for Umrah?

May Allah make your pilgrimage easy, accept your prayers, and shower His blessings upon you throughout this sacred journey.

What can I say to encourage people to make the most of their Umrah experience?

May you make the most of every moment, seek forgiveness, and strengthen your connection with Allah during this blessed Umrah journey.

Dr Omar Ayoub

Dr. Omar Ayoub is a tech enthusiast and a part time researcher and accounts authorship of several international publications. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from USA and has an experience of more than 10 years in Saudi Arabia working in tourism, hospitality, education, technology and retail sector. His interests include traveling, writing, and exploring trending technologies.

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